Damcosoft was founded as a software development startup in 1996 by a group of young enthusiasts with a focus on doing some honest and genuine work in Information Technology. Early in the business while business strategies being discussed, the imperative question was raised.
How Damcosoft could be different?
The answer we agreed upon was simple yet the game changer. We made customer focus our guiding principle. We believe that a satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all. From those initial growth years to large-scale expansions, “customer focus” has been paramount for us. Meeting the needs of the customer and their success against all odds has been our success mantra.
Today, Damcosoft is a leading IT services, consulting, and outsourcing company helping businesses leverage technologies, outperform their competition, and acquire sustainable growth. We have proven capabilities in new and emerging technologies and extensive experience across a broad range of industries and domains, which enables us to deliver world-class, secure, scalable, and reliable business solutions.
Delivering the best-suited technology services and solutions to empower our customers to realize their business goals.
Be the trusted technology partner of businesses worldwide.
Responding quickly, making swift decisions, and adapting to market and environment changes effortlessly.
Living our promise of customer-centricity through actions and deliverables, even if it means going an extra mile.
Building and nurturing relationships with our clients, colleagues, and partners with trust, respect, and sharing.
Upholding honesty, truthfulness, sincerity, and always honoring the trust of our clients by doing what is right without any bias or influence.
Communicating openly and honestly with our clients and in our teams, manifesting powerful collaboration.
Being fully engaged in our mission, living our core values through our attitude and behavior, we never let down our clients.
In a highly competitive industry, we recognize that adhering to the highest level of conduct in serving our clients worldwide and acting with integrity at all times is of utmost importance. Damcosoft’s comprehensive core values & standards of business conduct are followed by everyone on the team, without an exception.
Our leadership team has formulated and maintained a strong ethical workplace environment, overseen by an Independent Corporate Governance Committee inspiring employees to follow the highest standards of personal & corporate conduct.